Welcome to Duna Teyrunna

Evolutionizing the way community regenerates together

MISSION STATEMENT:“Duna Teyrunna is a regenerative hub for bioregional research and the cultivation of coherence among local actors, working to regenerate the Heart of the World. Through innovative programs and immersive workshops, it empowers the community to absorb new skills and participate in building a holistic, interdependent network. As a steward of Pueblo Bello’s vision to become a model regenerative municipality, Duna Teyrunna serves as both a proving ground and launch pad, demonstrating evidence-based solutions that inspire transformation within and beyond the bioregion.”

Projects & PROGRAMS

Cultural Exchange Center

Bridging Western, Colombian, and Arhuaco cultures to foster intercultural healing and cultural preservation.

Regenerative Incubator

Not only documenting local regenerative projects, but providing opportunities for project expansion and success while strengthening the community culture, incentivizing regeneration for the entire region.


Serves as a hub for bioregional data collection and regenerative systems development rooted in both indigenous and scientific methods.

Get in Touch with the team

Where ideas become reality


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Stay tuned for the new year!!! 2025 Coming soon

Get To Know Us

CUltural exchange center

Regenerative Incubator


Luz Marina Pulido Rodriguez

"Sharing with Sun Nation and Duna Teyrunna is a wonderful experience because we have learned a lot about regenerative and how to take care of the environment, in each integration and support to the different projects of each one strengthens us to move forward."

Maria Elena Gomez

"Being part of the regenerative group of Sun Nation, Duna Teyrunna, and Extrapreneurs, has been a wonderful experience. I have learned a lot and there is still much to learn. Above all, sharing with friends from other countries. Immensely grateful."

Luis Alfonzo Arias Chona

"Since we met Sun Nation, it has been a very important experience because we have acquired knowledge that we never had before. For example, how a project is formed, how a project is organized, how communities are organized, because here we have communities that do not have that knowledge, how they are organized, and through that information we have learned to value people and we have learned to work in groups in order to be able to work on projects and help the community. Thank you very much."

Alexander Pulido

"Being in the Extraprenuer group is vital for my regenerative project. It is wonderful all the information we have received at Duna Teyrunna with Sun Nation. To mitigate the environmental impact of our planet."

Luzdaris Patricia Arias Chona

"Being in the Extraprenuer group is vital for my regenerative project. It is wonderful all the information we have received at Duna Teyrunna with Sun Nation. To mitigate the environmental impact of our planet."

Bioregional research


Duna Teyrunna Launches regenerative
English Language Class

September 7th, 2024

Language Programs Foster Global
Collaboration in Regenerative Practices

In today’s critical time for planetary restoration, Sun Nation is launching regenerative language programs to bridge the global regenerative movement and bring people together
to embody sustainable practices. These programs are more than just language classes—they serve as a powerful opportunity for knowledge exchange, allowing people from different cultural backgrounds to work collaboratively toward regenerating the planet. The courses, held at the Duna Teyrunna campus in Pueblo Bello, Colombia, offer instruction in both regenerative English and Iku, the native language of the Arhuaco people. Designed as a response to the growing need for inclusive collaboration, these programs provide a platform for people passionate about regeneration to connect, learn, and contribute to the movement.

Bridging The Global Regenerative Movemenent

Sun Nation’s language programs emerged from the desire to make the global regenerative movement more accessible to individuals eager to participate. By equipping participants
with the language skills necessary to communicate across cultural and linguistic barriers, the courses create opportunities for meaningful collaboration. The primary goal is to enable participants to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and work together to regenerate ecosystems, economies, and communities.

A request from indigenous leaders

The regenerative English course also responds to a profound request from the Mamos, the spiritual leaders of the Arhuaco community. They recognized that English would be a more effective medium than Spanish for conveying the deep, spiritual aspects of their ancestral knowledge to a global audience. “English provides a bridge for sharing our knowledge with the world,” said a representative of the Mamos. “Sun Nation’s program opens pathways to new possibilities for collaboration.”

Experiential Learning in Regenerative English

The regenerative English program is unique in its approach, offering students an experiential learning environment that integrates nature and regenerative practices. The curriculum, designed with a focus on nature and sustainability, ranges from beginner to advanced levels.Learning goes beyond the classroom, as students engage in activities such as plant walks,
up-cycling trash bottles for planting seeds, home plant investigations, reforestation projects, and immersive listening exercises. These hands-on activities not only reinforce vocabulary but also bring language learning to life by connecting words to meaningful, regenerative actions.

Fostering Inclusivity in Learning

Recognizing the growing interest in English proficiency among both local residents, indigenous, and non-indigenous, Sun Nation has made the programs inclusive for all. The courses cover essential language skills, from greetings and counting to practical vocabulary used in everyday contexts such as the kitchen, offices, and nature. This inclusive approach ensures that learners of all backgrounds can participate in the regenerative movement, equipping them with the skills needed to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Preserving Indigenous Wisdom Through Iku

In addition to English, the program offers courses in Iku, the native language of the Arhuaco
people, taught by the Arhuaco community members. This program supports the preservation of the Arhuaco’s linguistic heritage, ensuring that their cultural wisdom remains intact and accessible to future generations. These courses foster mutual understanding between indigenous and non-indigenous participants, creating a space for learning and collaboration that respects and values cultural diversity

Certification and Community Development

Participants who complete the regenerative English program receive a certification affirming their foundational proficiency. This certification not only enhances individual capabilities but also contributes to the community’s overall development by providing learners with valuable language skills that can be applied to a range of regenerative initiatives.

About Duna Teyrunna Campus

Duna Teyrunna campus is the heart of these educational programs. Located in Pueblo Bello,
within the Arhuaco territory, the campus is a symbol of unity and learning. It provides a space where people from diverse backgrounds can come together to share knowledge, explore regenerative practices, heal, and grow collectively.

Looking to the Future

Sun Nation is dedicated to expanding its language programs and deepening collaboration
with the Arhuaco people and local authorities. By building bridges through language, they aspire to create a regenerative, inclusive future where individuals from all over the world can work together to heal the planet.

Bienvenidos A Duna Teyrunna

Evolucionando la forma en que la comunidad se regenera junta

MISIÓN:“Duna Teyrunna es un centro regenerativo para la investigación biorregional y el cultivo de la coherencia entre los actores locales, trabajando para regenerar el Corazón del Mundo. A través de programas innovadores y talleres inmersivos, empodera a la comunidad para absorber nuevas habilidades y participar en la construcción de una sociedad holística. , red interdependiente. Como administrador de la visión de Pueblo Bello de convertirse en un municipio regenerativo modelo, Duna Teyrunna sirve como campo de pruebas y plataforma de lanzamiento, demostrando soluciones basadas en evidencia que inspiran la transformación dentro y más allá del bioregión.”